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Excursion To The Seattle Art Museum Via Public Transportation


Fri 02 / 14 / 2025
9:30 AM to 2:30 PM


Seattle Art Museum

Who can attend

Open to all


Register so we will know you are coming


Linda Paros
Register for this event
Excursion to the Seattle Art Museum on Publc Transportatiion:
Friday, February 14
9:30am- 2:30pm
Cost: bus and light rail $2 RT
         SAM admissiion $5.00 with gold card
10610 NE 38th Place, Kirkland
Please join a small group of your ENN friends on an excursion to the Seattle Art Museum and see the current special exhibit, "Following Space: Thaddeus Mosley & Alexander Calder. Experience the iconic sculptures of two visionary American artisits from every angle." We will travel by bus and light rail starting at the South Kirkland Park & Ride (see address above), and meeting at the bus kiosk there. There will be time to also see parts of the permanent exhibition and to have a light lunch at TASTE, the cafe at SAM, before returning to the Eastside.
Questions? - please contact Linda Paros (425-785-1000)
Registration closes at 6 pm on February 13.
Important: When you register, please leave a contact number in the comments section (or some other way to contact you). Having a contact number is important in case the organizer needs to reach you. After you register you will receive an email confirmation. Because it is a full day commitment, we require a minimum of 4 people registered to make the trip a "go."  We will contact you with the final plans. Please feel free to contact Linda at the above number if you have any questions.