Event name
A Visit to the Amazon Spheres
Sat 10 / 05 / 2024
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Amazon Spheres
2111 7th Avenue
2111 7th Avenue
Who can attend
Open to all
No spots available
Timothy Siegel
Several ENN members are excited to plan a visit to the Amazon Spheres. It is a fascinating experience - right in Seattle. The Spheres provide a workspace with a unique connection to nature. Within the Spheres there are more than 40,000 plants from forests in over 30 countries. Within the Spheres, the climate is controlled and the plants thrive. Check out the Spheres website for descriptions and many pictures:
The Spheres are open to the public the first and third Saturday of the month. We must register exactly 15 days in advance (to the hour), providing the names of our visitors. We will call to register people on September 20 at 2:00 pm. Because spaces are limited, we cannot guarantee we can register everyone who signs up. If we have a problem getting registered, we will pick the next date and contact registrants to see if they can still attend.
Please register asap so we can be sure to have all the names by September 19. We will arrange transportation by bus or carpool once the date is set.
Questions? Contact: Tim Siegel [email protected]