- Prompted by concerns about how ENN community members were managing during Covid-19 restrictions and risks
- Anonymous survey invitations were included in ENN email newsletter and weekly calendar mailings
- Fifty-four people completed the survey between May 2 and June 9
- Questions were of two types:
Activities: In the past two weeks while staying at home, about how often have you:
Demographics: Age, Gender, Living Situation (Alone or with other people) - After the first wave, we added a question about expected behavior when restrictions are eased; 38 responded.
The percentage of respondents in each age group is shown in the pie chart:
For a presentation and discussion of the full report, send email to [email protected] with the subject line, Survey.
All survey questions are listed below. The question stem and response choices for the activity questions were:
In the past two weeks, about how often have you: | ||||
Every day |
Several times a week |
Occasionally |
Rarely |
Never/Not applicable |
Talked with a relative (who does not live with me) |
Talked with a friend or neighbor |
Contacted my health care provider |
Prepared a hot meal |
Picked up groceries or medications |
Had groceries or a meal delivered |
Picked up a take-out meal |
Watched a movie, series, or TV show |
Read a book or magazine |
Watched the news on TV |
Read the news (online or print) |
Exercised (indoors or outside) |
Shopped online |
Attended a class online |
Helped a friend or neighbor |
Played a game or worked a puzzle |
Played with or cared for a pet |
Gardened (indoors or outside) |
Worked on projects around the house |
Worked on craft projects or a hobby |
Did some writing (journal, story, essay, novel, etc.) |
Exchanged email or text with a family member or friend |
Used Facetime, Zoom, Facebook or other social media |
Worked at home (for pay) |
Did volunteer work |
Updated or created my budget or financial plan |
Updated or created legal documents |
Spent some part of my day feeling lonely, anxious, and/or depressed |
Felt good about how I am managing |
Other (please describe) |
When restrictions on day-to-day activities have been eased, what will be your most likely reaction? |
o I'll be one of the first out the door. |
o I'll be eager to get out, as long as I can count on the people around me to practice social distancing and wear masks. |
o I'll be hesitant to go out even if people around me are reliably practicing social distancing and wearing masks. |
o I don't expect to go out much until the outbreak is under control. |
o I don't expect to go out much until there is a vaccine and the majority of people have received it. |
o Not sure - it depends on (please explain): |