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  • Prompted by concerns about how ENN community members were managing during Covid-19 restrictions and risks
  • Anonymous survey invitations were included in ENN email newsletter and weekly calendar mailings 
  • Fifty-four people completed the survey between May 2 and June 9
  • Questions were of two types:
     Activities: In the past two weeks while staying at home, about how often have you:
     Demographics: Age, Gender, Living Situation (Alone or with other people)
  • After the first wave, we added a question about expected behavior when restrictions are eased; 38 responded.

The percentage of respondents in each age group is shown in the pie chart:


What are people doing most often?


What will you do when restrictions are eased?

For a presentation and discussion of the full report, send email to [email protected] with the subject line, Survey.

All survey questions are listed below. The question stem and response choices for the activity questions were:

In the past two weeks, about how often have you:    

Every day

Several times a week



Never/Not applicable

Talked with a relative (who does not live with me)
Talked with a friend or neighbor
Contacted my health care provider
Prepared a hot meal
Picked up groceries or medications
Had groceries or a meal delivered
Picked up a take-out meal
Watched a movie, series, or TV show
Read a book or magazine
Watched the news on TV
Read the news (online or print)
Exercised (indoors or outside)
Shopped online
Attended a class online
Helped a friend or neighbor
Played a game or worked a puzzle
Played with or cared for a pet
Gardened (indoors or outside)
Worked on projects around the house
Worked on craft projects or a hobby
Did some writing (journal, story, essay, novel, etc.)
Exchanged email or text with a family member or friend
Used Facetime, Zoom, Facebook or other social media
Worked at home (for pay)
Did volunteer work
Updated or created my budget or financial plan
Updated or created legal documents
Spent some part of my day feeling lonely, anxious, and/or depressed
Felt good about how I am managing
Other (please describe)
When restrictions on day-to-day activities have been eased, what will be your most likely reaction?
o I'll be one of the first out the door.
o I'll be eager to get out, as long as I can count on the people around me to practice social distancing and wear masks.
o I'll be hesitant to go out even if people around me are reliably practicing social distancing and wearing masks.
o I don't expect to go out much until the outbreak is under control.
o I don't expect to go out much until there is a vaccine and the majority of people have received it.
o Not sure - it depends on (please explain):